Four red wolf pups born at Miller Park Zoo in April were named with a fundraising “contest.” Guests of the Zoo voted on four sets of names by placing a donation in bins located under each group of names. The group of names receiving the most donations was the winner.

The winning names -- Michael (male), Lily (female), Rose (female), and Anna (female) -- were selected in honor of the grandchildren of John Tobias, Miller Park Zoo's Superintendent for 19 years until his retirement in April 2009. John was responsible for bringing red wolves to the Zoo as part of the red wolf captive-breeding program.
100% of the funds raised by the naming contest was donated to red wolf conservation to purchase new antennae for the airplane used to monitor red wolves in the wild.
The Red Wolf Recovery Program and the wild red wolves are very grateful for the contribution of Miller Park Zoo, Miller Park Zoological Society, and everyone who participated by making a donation.